Working in Narrative Studio

Detail View

Show details

Launch the details panel by hovering over any item in the explorer. The Launch Side Panel button will appear.

Side Panel Button Image

Side panel

The side panel is where you edit specs, docs, descriptions and titles of entities, and more. You can open it by hovering over an item in the Explorer or the canvas and clicking the launch side panel button. Close it by clicking the X button in the upper righthand corner.

Side Panel Image

Click and drag the leftmost border to change the panel size.


To breadcrumb path at the top of the panel shows the displayed entity’s location within the system.

Breadcrumb image


The entity title is displayed below the breadcrumbs and above the editor. Just click and type to edit.


The editor window is displayed below the title.

Docs have a doc editor.

Doc Editor Image

Constructs and Scripts simply have a description area, which works just like a doc editor. Provide all the context you wish here using all the capabilities of rich docs.

Description image

Specs, queries, and schemas have a spec editor. These are designed for specifications and cannot be formatted.

Spec Editor Image

Working in Narrative Studio
Creating a New Organization
Guides and Resources
Guides and Resources
Creating Your First Narrative
Working in Narrative Studio
Creating a New Workspace
Working in Narrative Studio
The Toolbar
Working in Narrative Studio
Narrative Scripts
Working in Narrative Studio
Working with Capabilities
Working in Narrative Studio
Working with Assets and Attachments
Working in Narrative Studio
Detail View
Working in Narrative Studio
Understanding Labels
Working in Narrative Studio
Working with Branching
Guides and Resources
Okta SSO Setup Guide
Working in Narrative Studio
Comments & Mentions
Guides and Resources
Instant Mock