Canvas & Toolbar

How to model

The canvas is the space in which the modeling happens. You can drag objects onto the canvas from the toolbar.

Canvas Image

Zoom in and out using pinch/spread on the trackpad or by pressing the zoom in/zoom out buttons on the control panel in the lower left corner.

Canvas Controls Image

Fit all your work in view by pressing the fit to view button.


In the toolbar, you will find:

Toolbar Image

- The selection tool
- Scripts
- Holistic level constructs
- Holistic level assets
- Comments
- The overflow pallet
- Profile Icon(s)

The selection tool

Use the selection tool to click and select or drag a selection area around several objects.

Selection Tool Image


Drag scripts into the canvas to start your narratives. See Narratives section for more details.

Script Icon Image

Holistic level Constructs

Quick access to moments, interfaces, and actions. See Constructs section for more details.

Holistic Constructs Icons Image

Holistic level Assets

Quick access to Actors and Specs. See Constructs section for more details.

Holistic Assets Icons Image

The overflow pallet

Click the three dot menu to open the overflow pallet. The overflow pallet contains constructs & assets for the more detailed levels of modeling. These include information flow, business process model, and software model constructs, as well as docs, queries and schemas. For more details visit the Constructs section and the Assets section.

Three Dots Image

Profile Icon(s)

Profile icons show who is working in the workspace at any given time. If you have the workspace open in multiple tabs, you will see multiples of your own profile icon. If other users are working in your workspace, you will see their icons as well as your own.

Profile Icons Image